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Privacy Policy
ARON Tanzania(hereafter referred toas the company) values the personal information of the users who use SHAKEservices and complies with the rules under or relating to the laws of personalinformation protection, such as the Personal Information Protection Act. Thecompany always notifies the privacy policy through the application screen thatprovides SHAKE services* or the company's website (hereafter referred toas the application screen, etc.) and when the company needs to revise the privacypolicy, the reasons and contents of the change in it will be announced throughthe application screen.
Article 1 (Items of Personal Information to be collected and method ofcollection)
The company collects theminimum amount of personal information necessary to provide SHAKE servicesas follows:
① Items of Personal Information to be collected
1. SHAKE services – When one signs up forSHAKE’s membership
- Required: Name, date of birth, gender,nationality, mobile phone number, email address, password and terminalinformation(terminal model, mobile carrier information),
2. SHAKE services – When a user uses orhandles SHAKE services
- Required: service usage records, access logs,cookies, access IP information, MAC address, operating system(OS) type andversion information, device information, user location information, address(for card to be received) and mobile phone number
3. SHAKE services – When a user reloads,pays and claims a refund
- Required: name of franchisee, terminalinformation and other information(recent transaction records and available balance)
② How to collect personalinformation
1. Users submit their personal information in theapplication or the website of SHAKE services, or by e-mail or fax and orvia phone call.
2. Collection with an automatic collection toolof mobile devices, such as computer or mobile phone
3. Sharing from subcontractors
The company may collect online user activityinformation (behavioral information) that cannot identify an individual from subcontractorsor directly with a collection tool of the information generated. If the useractivity information is to be handled in combination with the personal information(identification)held by the company, the company shall cause the information to serve thepurpose of this agreement and to observe the keeping period of it. In addition,the company may collect additional personal information while the users areusing SHAKE services. In that case, the company will require separateconsent to collection and use of personal information from the users.
Article 2 (Purpose of Collection and Use ofPersonal Information)
The company uses the personal information collectedfor the following purposes.
① Management of users and provisionof services
1. For identification of users for signing,implementing, and terminating the contracts for provision of services
2. When users need to issue, reload, pay withand claim a refund from SHAKE card
3. For identification of users through (verificationof mobile phone ownership) when they use real-name authentication services.
4. For keeping records for consultation onservice use and for mediation of disputes over civil complaints
5. For giving notices about service changes,etc.
6. For preventing users from illegal use of orunauthorized use of SHAKE services
7. For keeping records for dispute settlement,etc.
8. For dealing with income deduction
② For development of newservices and for marketing and advertising
1. For development of new services andprovision of customized services through statistical collection of use of service,etc.
2. For notifying advertising information aboutevents, etc. and providing opportunities for participation in those
Article 3 (Sharing of personal information witha third party)
The company will use personal information of users under or relating to the Article2, "Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information" above andin principle will not use the information beyond the scope of the Article 2 orprovide it to the outside without any legal basis or prior consent from the users.
① Affiliation
The company may provide or share personalinformation of users with external subcontractors (hereafter referred to as theaffiliates) in order to provide better service to the users. If personalinformation is to be provided or shared, the company will require prior consentfrom the users by e-mail or in writing by clearly specifying things, such as theaffiliates who will be given personal information, items of personalinformation to be provided, whose purpose of use of personal information, whosekeeping and usage period of personal information, that the users have the rightto refuse to consent to the sharing of personal information and thedisadvantages of such refusal. The company will notify or require consent inthe same procedure as such even when the affiliation changes.
② Legal basis
According to relevant statutes or on conditionthat there is a requirement from an investigation agency, according to theprocedures and methods prescribed in a statute for the purpose of investigation
③ Transfer of rights and obligations of thecompany
On condition that the rights and obligationsof the company are succeeded to or transferred to another company or individualdue to such reasons as merger, business transfer, etc., the company will notifythe transfer of personal information of users in advance and grant them theright to withdraw consent to the transfer of personal information, according tothe procedures and methods prescribed in the relevant statutes, such as the Acton Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization andInformation Protection.
Article 4 (Outsourcing of Processing of PersonalInformation)
The company entrusts some of the work neededto provide SHAKE services to external subcontractors (hereafter referredto as the subcontractors), specifies essential matters in a contract in order toensure that the subcontractors handle personal information safely in accordancewith the relevant statutes, such as the Personal Information Protection Act andsupervises whether the subcontractors actually do handle the information safelyas specified in a contract. On condition that the contents of outsourcing orthe subcontractors change, the company will notify users of this change throughthe privacy policy posted on the application screen or by e-mail without delay.But when the company entrusts the subcontractors with the delivery of prizes incidentalto marketing and events, etc., the company will deal with this entrustment byrequiring separate consent of the users. The details of current outsourcing of thecompany are as follows:
Subcontractor | Contents of outsourcing | Keeping and usage period of personalinformation |
슈어엠(SMS) | Verification of user retention(overseas) | It is the personal information thatalready belongs to 슈어엠(SMS),the subcontractor, so it is not stored separately |
KCP | Payment service/verification | Until cancellation of membership ortermination of the contract |
SHAKE | Available points | Until cancellation of membership ortermination of the contract for the points |
ARON Tanzania | Available points | Until cancellation of membership ortermination of the contract for the points |
Article 5 (Keeping and Usage Period of PersonalInformation)
In principle, the companydestroys personal information without delay after the company achieved thepurpose of collection and use of personal information to which users gaveconsent. However, On condition that the company needs to keep personalinformation, according to an internal policy or rules of relevant statutes, thecompany will keep the personal information of the users for a certain period oftime as follows:
① Reasons for keeping personal informationaccording to an internal policy
1. For records of fraudulent use
- Reasons for keeping: To prevent users fromreceiving economic profits illegally or expediently through repetitiveterminations at will and illegal use through signing up again of blockedaccounts
- Keeping period: 1 year
2. E-mail address, ID and phone number
- Reasons for keeping: for the purpose ofpreparation for other cases, etc., such as handling of complaints of themembers who withdrew and settlement of transaction payments with affiliatedorganizations
- Keeping period: 1 year
② Reasons for keeping personal information underrelevant laws and rules
1. For recording of contract or withdrawal ofsubscription, etc.
- Legal basis on keeping: Act on ConsumerProtection in Electronic Commerce, etc.
- Keeping period: 5 years
2. For recording of payment and supply ofgoods, etc.
- Legal basis on keeping: Act on ConsumerProtection in Electronic Commerce, etc.
- Keeping period: 5 years
3. For recording of handling of consumercomplaints or disputes
- Legal basis on keeping: Act on ConsumerProtection in Electronic Commerce, etc.
- Keeping period: 3 years
4. For recording of electronic financialtransactions in which the transaction amount exceeds 10,000 won per case
- Legal basis on keeping: Enforcement Decreeof the Electronic Financial Transactions Act
- Keeping period: 5 years
5. For recording of electronic financialtransactions where the transaction amount is 10,000 won or less per case
- Legal basis on keeping: Enforcement Decreeof the Electronic Financial Transactions Act
- Keeping period: 1 year
6. For visit history to Homepage
- Legal basis on keeping: CommunicationsSecret Protection Act
- Keeping period: 3 months
7. For recording of identification
- Legal basis on keeping: Act on Promotion ofInformation and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection,etc.
- Keeping period: 6 months
Article 6 (Destruction of personalinformation)
In principle, the company destroys theinformation without delay after the company accomplished the purpose of collectionand use of personal information. The procedure and method of destruction are asfollows:
① Destruction procedure
The information entered by users to sign upfor SHAKE services, etc. will be transferred to a separate DB (separatedocument box in the case of paper) and destroyed after being kept for a certainperiod of time, according to the company's internal policy and the reasons ofinformation protection under other relevant laws, as specified in the Article 5.The company will not use the personal information transferred to the separateDB for any other purpose than just keeping it unless it is based on law or userconsent.
② Method of destruction
The company will shred personal informationprinted on paper with a shredder or destroy through incineration. The companywill delete the personal information stored in electronic file format using atechnical method that cannot allow someone to read records.
Article 7 (Rights of Users and legal Representativesand Methods of exercising them)
① Users and legal representatives have the rightto retrieve or to modify the personal information of themselves or of childrenunder the age of 14 at any time and to withdraw their consent to collection,use and sharing of personal information by canceling SHAKE services(withdrawal from membership). However, the company collects and uses only the essentialinformation necessary for SHAKE services, so it is impossible to withdrawonly part of consent.
② A user may cancel SHAKEservices or withdraw from membership in person by clicking “Withdraw” in the applicationof SHAKE services. If it is difficult to do so, the user can contact “1 :1 Inquiry | Customer Support” in the application or the person in charge of personalinformation protection in writing, via phone call or by e-mail.
③ Even when a user wants toview or receive the information on the current status of whether you gaveconsent on collection, use and sharing of personal information, on the personalinformation collected from the consent and on the current status of the use of thepersonal information and of whether the company provided it to a third party, youcan contact “1 : 1 Inquiry | Customer Support” in the application of SHAKEservices or the person in charge of personal information protection so that thecompany can take action without delay.
④ If a user requests a correctionof an error in personal information, the company will not use or share it witha third party until before the correction is completed. In addition, even if thecompany has already shared incorrect personal information with a third party,it will notify the third party of the processing result of a correction withoutdelay so that the correction can be made smoothly.
Article 8 (Matters on the installation andoperation of an automatic personal information collection device and the refusalof it)
On condition that a user accesses theapplication of SHAKE services, the company may use "cookies"that store and constantly retrieve user’s data in order to provide the userwith personalized and customized services. Cookies are a very small text filesent to a browser by the server that is used in service operation and arestored on an internal storage device of a computer's hard disk or on otheraccess media (including mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablet PCs).The company uses cookies for the following purposes and may refuse to use themthrough settings.
① The purpose of use of cookies
The company uses cookies in order to provide thecustomized information that is optimized for an individual, such as targetmarketing and personalized services by analyzing user access frequency andvisit time, figuring out user tastes and interests, tracking user activity and figuringout how frequently a user participates in various events.
② Method to disable cookies
A user has the option of setting up cookies.Therefore, by setting an option in the web browser a user uses, the user can enableall cookies or go through confirmation whenever cookies are saved or refuse tosave all cookies. However, if a user disables cookies, it may be difficult forthe company to provide the user with services.
Article 9 (Technical and managementmeasures to protect personal information)
The company devises and implements thefollowing technical and management measures for security lest personalinformation be lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged in handling user’spersonal information.
① Encryption of Personal information
The company encrypts all items of personalinformation before storing them, according to relevant laws and guidelines fromthe administrative agency concerned.
② Technical measures for defense against hacking
The company installs and operates a firewall systemand the newest security programs in order to prevent the leakage of user’spersonal information from hacking of servers and networks.
③ Minimization of staff and implementation of training.
The company minimizes the number of the employeeswho have access to personal information for prevention of the leakage ofpersonal information by giving the access only to the persons in charge and implementsregular training on the importance of security. In the meanwhile, the company triesto check whether the persons in charge are fulfilling and complying with the personalinformation protection policy concerned so that if the problems relating to thepersonal information protection policy are found, the company can correct themimmediately.
Article 10 (The person and the department incharge of personal information protection)
The company designates theperson and the department in charge of personal information protection as belowso as to protect user’s personal information and to handle complaints relatingto it. It will quickly deal with user’s complaints and provide satisfyinganswers.
① Theperson and the department in charge of personal information protection
- The person in charge: TaeGyun Kim, CEO
- E-mail: t.t.kim@hotmail.com
Article 11 (Scope of application)
① This privacy policy applies to the scope of"SHAKE Services," one of the brands serviced by the company butfor the other brands serviced by the company, different privacy policy may be applied.
② The company may show the links to the websites,applications or materials of other companies (hereafter referred to as the applications,etc.) in the application of SHAKE services to users. The company does nottake responsibility for the usefulness of the services or materials provided bythe applications, etc. in this case because the company does not assume controlof the applications, etc. And this privacy policy does not apply to theapplications, etc. The personal information protection policies of theapplications, etc. have nothing to do with the company provided that users moveon to the applications, etc. by clicking the links shown in the application ofSHAKE services, so please read the policies carefully.
Article 12 (Duty to notify)
On condition that there is a change in this privacypolicy, the company will notify it through the application screen, etc. atleast 7 days before the change. However, if there is a change in the Articles ofor in the details on this privacy policy, such as collection, use or sharing ofpersonal information with a third party, etc. to the disadvantage of users, thecompany will have a grace period of at least 30 days or more before notifyingthe change.
- Enforcement date: January 1, 2022